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Rotate consensus key

Consensus key rotation is an action taken by a node operator to change the identity of a validator they control. It happens typically when the corresponding private key is (potentially) lost/leaked, or every few months as a common security practice.

Below is the step-by-step guide of performing a consensus key rotation with detailed examples.

New key generation

Using the following Aptos CLI command to generate a new consensus identity. In this example, identity files are saved to directory /new/key/root.

aptos genesis generate-keys --output-dir /new/key/root

Add new private key to node

Edit the node config yaml as described below.

# ...
    # ...
        # ...
                # ...
                identity_blob_path: /old/key/root/validator-identity.yaml
                overriding_identity_paths:              # new!
                - /new/key/root/validator-identity.yaml # new!
  • Field identity_blob_path is required.
  • Field overriding_identity_paths is optional, and allows multiple identities to be specified for rotation purposes.
  • The node will choose the identity that matches the on-chain state.

Now restart the node. It should load the new key but continue using the old key for consensus.

Add new public key on chain

Aptos CLI is needed again, and your operator account is assumed to have been set up as a CLI profile profile1.

Find your pool address (denoted by $POOL_ADDR).

In /new/key/root/public-keys.yaml,

  • find the public key of your new consensus identity (denoted by $NEW_PUBLIC_KEY);
  • find the proof of possession of your new consensus identity (denoted by $PROOF_OF_POSSESSION).

Run a transaction with aptos CLI to update the on-chain consensus public key for the next epoch.

aptos move run \
    --profile profile1 \
    --function-id 0x1::stake::rotate_consensus_key \
    --args \
        address:$POOL_ADDR \
        hex:$NEW_PUBLIC_KEY \

Here is a complete example.

aptos move run \
    --profile profile1 \
    --function-id 0x1::stake::rotate_consensus_key \
    --args \
        address:0x1eb42885d7d5232269229e56bb80d0959584e14485097ebf9ab619cf4fda5c02 \
        hex:0xacb7859468ca85cf9935e64ebb2b9b3fa8187de42d541acebaf732365a0131eaa994098f9d0d7e6b8ddea8ef11e16c55 \

Wait for the next epoch

The new key should become effective after the next epoch change (which happens every 2 hours).

(Advanced) Old key clean-up

In the secure storage (typically a file named secure_storage.json), consensus identities are organized as follows.

  • Field consensus contains the default consensus identity.
    • Typically created when you start the node for the first time.
    • Must exist.
  • Field consensus_X contains additional consensus identities with X as its public key.
    • Created because you once added it to overriding_identity_paths in node config yaml.

Currently, identities won’t be deleted automatically from secure storage, even if you delete the corresponding identity from the node config yaml.

If you need to ensure the old key is completely gone, manually clean-up is needed.

Here is an example of secure_storage.json.

    // ...
    "consensus": {
        "data": "GetResponse",
        "last_update": 1731372563,
        "value": "0x221f6fbfefa0a40b84c88fbb546a0884977dcc56719a96ed4e5d69b6a4ff58c8"
    "consensus_acb7859468ca85cf9935e64ebb2b9b3fa8187de42d541acebaf732365a0131eaa994098f9d0d7e6b8ddea8ef11e16c55": {
        "data": "GetResponse",
        "last_update": 1731383387,
        "value": "0x18d5098b3819d5fb0fc208b8bb0946b263f961f60716fc4d10d4b010fdb89a55"
    // ...

To delete private key 0x18d5..., simply delete the entire field with key consensus_acb7....

To delete private key 0x221f..., update the value 0x221f... to something else (e.g. another private key).